
Der Wettbewerb Malerei 2022

achen Sie sich ein Bild über die gegenwärtige junge Kunst

Der Wettbewerb Malerei – Der Preis der VÚB-Stiftung für das Malwerk für junge Künstler erfüllt schon seit 16 Jahren seine Mission, für die er entstanden ist. Eine Mission, die größten Talente unter den jungen professionellen Malern in der Slowakei ans Licht zu bringen und die Kunst der breiten Öffentlichkeit vorzustellen. Aus diesem Grund möchten wir Sie gern zur Ausstellung der Finalisten des Wettbewerbs Malerei einzuladen. Eben das Quartet der namhaften Profis aus dem Gebiet der europäischen bildenden Kunst ist die Garantie dafür, dass von den 109, in diesem Jahr angemeldeten Talenten, eine aktuelle Gruppe von 20 Künstlern entstand, die am deutlichsten zeigen, in welcher Richtung sich die Zukunft der modernen professionellen Malerei in der Slowakei formieren wird. Ein Bild über die gegenwärtige

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  • Galéria Nedbalka, n. o.
    Nedbalova ulica 17
    811 01 Bratislava
  • Google maps


  • Täglich geöffnet
  • außer montags
  • 13.00 – 19.00
  • Offen

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Kledis V
Kledis V
Interesting art Really nice place and staff. Interesting art works from Slovakian artists mostly and every kind of it. Really interesting.
Donovan G
Donovan G
Really Neat Art Gallery A really neat art gallery with a wide variety of works on display in a tasteful and well maintained space. The gallery encompasses several floors and entrance fee included a tea at the in house cafeteria/gift shop. Lovely
Wonderful atmosphere Very impressive, great pictures by the best Slovakian painters. Interesting buildings, good ideas (e.g. the whole wall by the elevators is a picture from the exhibition). It's worth a visit.
Definitely worth a visit. An interesting place to get an overview of Slovak art. It's also a beautiful building and the woman at the entrance spoke really good German.
Jane & Paul
Jane & Paul
Stop in! Lovely gallery! It was well worth the time spent exploring the gallery. Complimentary Coffee was great too!
Well worth the visit Very nice and doable 4 floor gallery of Slovakian modern art. Not on our radar but passed by and glad we went. Well worth the admission.
Phaedra S
Phaedra S
An experience to remember! In a downtown alley with artistic umbrellas hanging from above you’ll find this wonderful gallery. The inside of the building is a work of art itself. The artworks are from various Slovak artists and in my opinion, it can be compared to any internationally recognized artists’ work. I loved many of them and I’m sure everyone can find something that speaks to their heart. It is not a very big gallery but not small either, the perfect size to visit when you are a tourist walking all day. The tickets are not at all expensive (€6 for adults) and you get a free coffee with it. The area around the elevators on every floor are artistically featured, there are benches to rest with albums of the artists’ works of art and information. No security hanging above your every step as in other galleries. So, everything is carefully and thoroughly displayed to make you comfortable and enjoy art in your own way and I got the feeling of warmth and well-being. I think this gallery is one of the places you should definitely visit when in Bratislava even if you’re just for a couple of days.
Great Art Gallery Lovely interior gallery space, a "mini-Guggenheim" feel. The featured artists are mostly native Slovaks, with works going back to 1900 or so to contemporary. Very interesting and a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours in old town Bratislava. There is a small cafe, and you get a token for a good coffee as part of the low entrance fee. Highly recommended.
Tolle Galerie in schöner Hülle! Tolle Galerie mit moderner Kunst in einem wunderbaren Gebäude. Unbedingt 2 oder 3 Stunden investieren! Es lohnt sich.
Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava in June Lots interesting work on show over 4 floors. Inside of building is impressive and is laid out in a way that makes it a pleasure to walk around. Start at the top and work you way down. Free drink included in price in the café on 2nd floor. Directly outside the window of the cafe is the umbrella installation.
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