
Rudolf Krivoš – Paintings 1958 – 2009. Testimonies – Signals – Messages

The painter must believe in what he is doing. He must believe that it is the only possible form of his self-expression, of his creed.

Rudolf Krivoš

The collection of the Nedbalka Gallery houses many high-quality works by painters and sculptors who entered the art scene in 1957 including the members of Mikuláš Galanda Group, such as Rudolf Krivoš. The exhibition presented mainly artist´s figural compositions depicting his traditional subjects: human life and human nature in its various forms. His paintings belong to the pillars of Slovak modern art.

Catalogue: Rudolf Krivoš – Obrazy 1958 – 1994. Svedectvá – Signály – Odkazy / Paintings 1958 – 1994. Testimonies – Signals – Messages,texts: Bohumír Bachratý; number of pages: 120; binding: hardcover; language: Slovak and English; year of issue: 2015.

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